Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Bless her heart.

Someone should be eating crow for supper tonight

Sunday, July 08, 2018

The Atlantic

Do you know the magazine The Atlantic Monthly? It used to be considered kind of literary. My cousin got a poem published in it. So, some offer, I subscribed. It is a liberal, if not Left Wing, propaganda rag. It isn't even subtle. And you know every company that buys an ad in there supports their blatant, anti-Trump agenda. It is amazing to me how much good Trump is accomplishing despite so many people and institutions trying to undermine him. Even National Geographic came right out and called him a liar in an article. Hey, maybe Trump has some supernatural support. It is almost impossible to believe how fast he is rowing against the current. He is getting the job done. May Whoever continue to bless his success and guide him.



Automated Censorship

And if nobody raised a fuss?  These "standards" that facebook has to label something as "hate speech" are not singled out by a single person leafing through posts. It is most likely an algorithm that automatically picks out words.
We need to know what about the Declaration was singled out for this classification because that algorithm is already in place and that is censorship. Automated censorship. Guilty until proven innocent. So this is just a hint of what is to come. These things are already in place.  They are sorry?  What do you suppose was already suppressed that we never knew about?  Stuff facebook doesn't want us to know about.